Wow. Thank you. There's so much "YES" in this article I am at a loss for which to respond to- other than thank you for amplifying the wake-up call of STOP TALKING AND DO SOMETHING - build shit LOCALLY, when SHTF your internet friends aren't going to do shit, and this is also by design. People venting and dumping their everything into a void makes them passive asf in real life. The stuff about the AI programs and digital clones though - fuck that reminds me of Rudolf Steiners talk on the "ahrimanic dopplegangers" - perhaps thats what was meant by that since that's all tied in with AI. I will happily call it a day regarding electronics in concluding with this article. Thank you for taking the time to write it.

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Thank you for reading it. I have seen you are doing the work and I applaud you tremendously!

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Doppelganger + AI Xenodemon = people with malicious trickster energy

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The tree is the right analogy IMO. A lot of people have plans for taking the nation back. Christopher Cook. “Take No Prisoners The Battle Plan for Defeating the Left”, by David Horowitz. “By the People: Rebuilding Liberty Without Permission” by Charles Murray. And many others by lesser authors. Unfortunately, those plans haven't worked probably won't work, even if tried. A grassroots, bottom-up, organic movement might have a chance. A tree not a machine.

What will prevent Americans from ending the current regime? The fear of arrest, probably. “…the algorithmically grooming surveillance state” is a synonym for “police state” and “secret police”. Yes, as you say, the founders were brave. They risked being arrested for treason and hanged. How many Americans now are that brave? The Soviet Union controlled hundreds of millions of people over a vast area for many decades. They did it using a secret police, mass arrests, and the fear of arrest. The Gulag Archipelago tells the story in perfect detail. It is probably our future.

I guess there might be some kind of “soft revolution”, that collectively convinces the regime that they are better off not finally strangling the goose of free enterprise, that has been laying the golden eggs of a high standard of living for everyone. And the regime bends instead of breaking America to totalitarianism. But the current regime seems to have enough control to install totalitarianism if they choose to. The American people do not seem inclined to stop them.

Minor correction: “Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains” is the opening sentence Rousseau’s The Social Contract.

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"How many Americans now are that brave? "

Not enough I am afraid.

*Thanks for the correction

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I have no idea why I said Voltaire lol.. I know who Rousseau is.

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Well said!! Truly. Every word. I especially like your point here.

"There are no taverns for the sons of liberty to meet in, if you understand what I am saying. I have mentioned somewhere in one of my essays that I do not think a violent overthrow is even possible, let alone a good idea to try. I have only ever advocated for defensive violence; I want to be left alone. However, defensive violence can mean multiple things, I am a peaceful man… not a harmless one"- this is the crux of the matter.

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Thank for for taking the time to read it.

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