I was waken up about Tucker Carlson by Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai. Part of me would like to believe in the push back against the mainstream but most of it is only coming from controlled opposition. Javier Millei is another example of controlled opposition. For instance, his controversial speech at WEF "shocked" the world but I already knew that was a set up to make him trustworthy and popular. And same goes with ARC and Jordan Peterson. It's sickening being awake to the truth and I am lonely and cold everyday. I am diving more into stoicism because I'm trying to find a way to manage it all without angering myself.

I appreciate your article and you seem very intelligent. You broke down this illusion even more and it is even more eye opening since you explained it this way.

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Sorry this is long. To begin with, thank you for reading it. I have come a long way since my days of voting and believing in the left-right dialectic over 20 years ago. It has been a long road out, it occurred in stages, but once it fell it fell. So, I understand how much of a struggle it is for people to see past the conditioning. It is difficult to wrap our heads around the notion that everything is muddied, especially history. My standard approach now is that of a skeptic with all things... especially when someone is presented as a savior or a revolutionary. This is what they count on, using our desire to see pushback against the mainstream, creating the manifestation of that desire in a public figure who is controlled to some degree. I agree fully with you that Javier Milei is controlled, I suspected as soon as they started labeling him as a "libertarian." They do not put real libertarians on a platform and they certainly are not elected to lead a country. Of course, they have redefined libertarian so the label may fit now but by all accounts he is not in the camp of Rothbardians, Mises, Lane or Paul et cetera... just another useful Heyoka to place in front of the WEF to make it seem like there is a stage for legitimate opposition. (There isn't. They do not platform such people)

I went through a phase where I experienced the loneliness and it was difficult, and it is easy to begin feeling cold. You have to fight this. We are in a war for our minds and our souls. (if you believe such things) They need us dejected. We are easier to steer, nudge and control that way. They need us evaluating our lives by the external, by the show they put on for us. This is how crowds are controlled and animals are domesticated.

Stoicism is very useful, particularly the dichotomy of control. Essentially we can only control two things, our voluntary actions and how we think about things. Considering this, I do not let them win by taking that from me. I hold my actions to account to the morality and deontological ethics I have set for myself. (create your own standards and stand by them) as well as refusing to let them convince me to hate other people including myself. I choose to see the beauty in the world, especially the world I can affect.. that of my family, my children and my friends. Another stoic maxim that is very useful, is "the obstacle is the way." This life is not easy. This world of lies is hard to navigate. Yet, we must persist. We must endure. There are better days on the other side of this. With all of that being said, I have learned to walk by faith. I know this path isn't for everyone and for each of us it may be different. For myself, it is my Faith that gives me strength to fight of the doubt, the cold, the creeping loneliness. Furthermore, I remind myself of Plato's cave, where the prisoner learns of the truth but when he goes back in to tell the other prisoners they ridicule him. Plato tells us that mass society is not receptive to this type of information and they will often fight you to preserve their worldview. When I first began this path I thought foolishly that I could change the world and that certainly everyone can see how farcical their narratives they sell us have become. But it doesn't work that way. Once I understood that everyone doesn't have to get it (hopefully one day they will) for me to feel ok, or content, I found a measure of peace. Perhaps if you try that you can find a way to not anger yourself. With that being said, sometimes there is nothing wrong with a little righteous anger, in fact it is necessary to bring about justice. There are many things in this world that the elite need to atone for, if we do not get the opportunity to see it to that end in this life, I know judgement is waiting for them in the next. Again, thank you for reading.

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Thank you so much for this. I think doing what you can no matter how little, will help us persevere a little better. Now that you put it that way, faith is necessary. I think what I should do is write about decentralization implementation with sound money and study Mises, human action more. Little ideas will tear the big state but I must acknowledge that it's a process over years and years. It won't happen overnight and that is the reality I must accept. I will definitely read more of your work. I appreciate this very much.

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You are welcome. Keep your head up and know there are many more out there like us than you think.

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Feb 17Liked by Hugh Mercer

I had suspicions regarding Carlson years ago when he was confronted about 9/11 and gave the standard establishment view. I knew he couldn't be trusted and was a mouthpiece. I never cared for him. I watched the Putin interview, and it didn't draw out anything new from Putin. Putin seemed to almost imply Carlson was CIA at one point, which was humorous, but I think that might have just been Putin joking. Putin really gave him his usual remarks and behaved in his typical manner. Interesting post and thoughts overall.

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Thanks for reading. I was just starting to wake up around 9/11. It was sometime during his MSNBC days where I really stared to suspect Tucker was something else.

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